3 Almond Oil Remedies to Take Care of Your Skin

In this article we share 3 remedies with almond oil to treat some common skin problems such as stretch marks, irritations or as a makeup remover.

Vegetable oils are excellent ingredients for our natural health and cosmetic treatments. Therefore, in this article we share 3 remedies with almond oil to treat some common skin problems.

Combining almond oil with other oils and ingredients such as Aloe vera, we will get some homemade and natural products very beneficial for the skin. With them we can treat stretch marks, psoriasis, eczema and improve the state of our skin in general.

Almond Oil Remedies to Take Care of Your Skin

Almond oil

Almond oil is a common ingredient in natural and homemade cosmetics. Its price is economic and its components are very beneficial. It stands out, for example, for its richness in vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant.

It also contains monounsaturated fatty acids and minerals such as potassium and zinc, as well as proteins. Therefore its texture is quite dense and is very nutritious for the skin. In addition, it has the advantage of having a discreet aroma.

There are two varieties of almond oil, bitter and sweet. The latter is edible (unless otherwise indicated) and is extracted from the cold pressure of this nut. In addition, this is the one we are going to use for our almond oil remedies.

3 almond oil remedies to take care of your skin

1. Anti-stretch mark remedy for pregnant women

Almond oil provides the nutrients and hydration needed to cope with pregnancy stretch marks.

First, this remedy is excellent for moms-to-be to take care of their skin from the moment they know they are pregnant, or even before. This natural product does not present any risk for the baby. In addition, anyone can use it to prevent stretch marks, as it will provide elasticity to the skin and avoid these unsightly marks.


  • ¾ cup almond oil (135 g)
  • ¼ cup rosehip oil (45 g)

How to

  • To begin with, mix both oils well and keep them in a hermetically sealed bottle. It is recommended to store in a dark place.
  • The best way to apply it is just after leaving the shower, after having bathed in hot water. At that time, the pores are open and the oil is very easily absorbed on wet skin.
  • Finally, let the skin dry and remove excess oil with the towel. The skin will be soft, shiny, nourished and elastic.

2. Lotion for psoriasis and eczema

The combination of almond oil and aloe vera will provide extra hydration and a calming effect for skin irritations.

The second of these remedies with almond oil is very simple and aims to help those suffering from psoriasis, eczema or dermatitis. By combining this oil with Aloe vera gel we get a soothing lotion that promotes skin regeneration and healing of possible wounds or irritations.


½ cup almond oil (90 g)
½ cup Aloe vera gel (80 g)
15 drops of tea tree essential oil (optional)

How to

  • To begin with, mix the oil and Aloe vera by emulsifying both ingredients until a creamy texture is obtained. Then add the tea tree essential oil and mix well again.
  • Store in a dark airtight bottle.
  • Apply to affected areas two or three times a day.

3. Natural make-up remover for the face

As it is an oil, we can remove the most difficult make-up residues from our face.

The simplest and most natural way to remove make-up from the face is to use almond oil and a towel together with hot water. In this way, we will be able to remove the thickest makeup well and, at the same time, nourish the skin to have a radiant face.


  • 1 teaspoon almond oil (7g)
  • 1 drop lavender essential oil (optional)

How to

  • First, apply the oil over the entire face (alone or in combination with the essential oil).
  • Then soak a small towel in hot water and massage the entire face with it. Insist on areas with more make-up. The result will be a relaxed, clean and hydrated skin. In addition, the lavender plant will give you relaxing effects to rest better.

Now you know three remedies with almond oil to improve the skin and also to treat some mild conditions. With this natural product you will bring many nutrients to your body and avoid other harmful substances contained in some cosmetic products.
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