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Yellow Jacket Wasp Sting Remedy: Effective Ways to Reduce Pain and Swelling

Summer is a time for outdoor activities and relaxation, but it can also bring encounters with yellow jacket wasps. Known for their aggre...

Katie Wellness 8 Jul, 2024

Taming Morning Sickness and Hyperemesis Gravidarum

Many women experience nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, but there's a big difference between common morning sickness and a more seri...

Katie Wellness 17 Apr, 2024

Xolair: New Hope for Food Allergies

Food allergies can be life-altering, affecting not only what we eat but also our daily routines and social interactions. Imagine living in f...

Katie Wellness 28 Feb, 2024

Lupine Allergy: Lesser-Known Yet Equally Dangerous

Lupine, one of the  14 major allergens , often flies under the radar. However, its prevalence is rising due to its economic viability and nu...

Katie Wellness 28 Feb, 2024

Mindful Eating: A Powerful Tool to Manage Stress Cravings

Hey there, mindful foodies! Today, I want to dive deep into a topic that many of us can relate to: stress-induced cravings and how practicin...

Katie Wellness 6 Nov, 2023

Savor the Moment: Tips for Embracing Mindful Eating

Greetings, wonderful readers! In our fast-paced lives, where multitasking and constant distractions have become the norm, the concept of m...

Katie Wellness 4 Nov, 2023

Vegan Diet Deficiencies - Nutrients You Are Missing if You are Vegan

A significant proportion of the population considers a vegan diet to be a healthy option since it primarily comprises fruits, vegetables, le...

Katie Wellness 3 Apr, 2023

Does Bread Make You Fat? Wholemeal Bread Recipe

Have you been told that eating bread makes you fat? Have you been told to avoid it for weight loss? If you answered yes to either question, ...

Joy 3 Apr, 2023

Healthy and balanced diet to lose weight in 15 days

Diets are not always so easy, but if you are looking to lose pounds in just a few days, today in WELLNESSKATIE we share with you a healthy a...

Katie Wellness 6 Mar, 2023