8 Ways To Get Energy in The Morning Without Coffee

It seems difficult but it is possible to start the day well animated without drinking coffee. Here are some alternatives that will help you improve your performance and energy without drinking caffeine.

8 Ways To Get Energy in The Morning Without Coffee

Whether it's because you can't drink caffeine or you have an energy deficiency that even coffee can't raise, this list will give you the opportunity to try new alternatives to get enough energy to keep you active all day long.

1. Glass of water after waking up

After a night's sleep, you're pretty dehydrated. Put a large glass of water on your bedside table and drink it immediately after waking up. You will immediately feel refreshed and a lot more awake.

2. Cold shower

A steaming hot shower wakes you up quietly and relaxed, but it doesn't really wake you up energetically. Shower lukewarm and end your shower session with cold water. A little bit of a bite, but after that you're fresh and fruity.

3. Apple

Natural sugars give you much more energy than a cup of coffee. Yes, the black gold gives you a fat boost, but you also crash just as fast. It's better to eat an apple about an hour after you wake up. Then your cortisone sheet starts to descend. Cortisol is a hormone that makes your mind awake and alert.

4. Red

The color red stands for fire, passion and movement. Researchers also claim that it gives you energy. Wear a red garment or paint your nails in a bright red tone and you'll think you're the bull in the office.

5. Walk

"Let's get some fresh air", how many times have you heard that? Well, the cliché pronunciation is one of the best tips to get energy. The combination of movement and fresh air really does you good. Walk the last bit in the morning to work. Do you feel like you're being silly in the afternoon? Skip the 4 hour soup and walk around the building.

6. Smelling citrus and mint

These two elements have the potential to activate certain areas of your brain according to aromatherapy studies, where citrus fruits have the capacity to fill your brain with energy at least in the morning hours, when it is recommended to smell oranges or mint. We recommend that at breakfast, take advantage of the shell of your orange or tangerine and double to exploit its aroma.

7. LOL moment

A round of funny Facebook movies isn't that crazy. Research by the University of Nebraska showed that people who watched a funny movie had a lot more energy than people who didn't. Laughing increases your blood level, heart rate and makes you feel good. Just a few minutes to talk to your manager...?

8. Chewing gum

Skip the coffee, throw a gum in your face while you're in the car / on the bike / public transport. Chew on it. Research shows that chewing gum chewers have a faster reaction, can concentrate better and even have a better mood. Also great for your desk. Because you chew continuously, your brain receives more oxygen. This effect is gone after fifteen minutes. Fortunately, the average gum will also become petrified by then.
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